Artist: Buddy Jackson
Location: Hartman Park
From emergency comes emergence. Buddy Jackson’s artwork is a large face of an African-American woman emerging from the earth. This face serves as a symbol of every individual’s story of danger, loss, strength and determination to push through the setbacks caused by both nature and man.
Jackson states, “I learned at community meetings, that unlike other areas of Nashville, the flood is very much still in the Bordeaux community. This primarily African-American community was one of the hardest hit by the flood, the rising waters, and the aftermath of this disaster. Many homes still remain abandoned, and many people are still struggling to find resolution. I also discovered a very strong sense of pride in the community of Bordeaux, pride in how the people of the community opened shelters and help centers in areas. There is a determination that they will emerge from the water intact, made whole, and stronger than ever.”
Artwork: cast water-impermeable concrete, 3.5’ h x 8’ w x 5’